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Clean Air Solutions at Home and at School
Did You Know...
Our landfills are fast becoming land-filled! Almost 1/4th of our household trash is made up of leftovers that can be composted and their nutrients returned to the soil.


Recycling cartoon

On the Road: Cars & Trucks

At Home & At School

In Recreational Areas

At the Ballot Box

Interactive Car

Interactive House

Interactive Recreational Area

Did You Know...
The energy saved by recycling one 12 oz. aluminum can is enough to run a TV set for 3 hours. Producing a recycled aluminum can requires only 5 percent of the energy required to make a new one. All but 27% of our trash can be recycled in some way. The other 73% are recyclable resources we are literally throwing away.
ake sure people at your school follow these tips to save energy and when you go home ask your family to:

11. Be a Waste Filter: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle to save energy. Producing new products uses much more energy than manufacturing recycled ones. Make choices that save energy and our precious natural resources:
  • choose recycled products
  • buy products with recyclable packaging
  • reuse paper bags; better yet, use cloth bags again and again
  • recycle paper, plastics, and metals
  • print and photocopy on both sides of paper
  • support comprehensive recycling programs
  • advocate the development of new materials that are 100% reusable

  • 12. Compost fruit and vegetable leftovers, yard trimmings and leaves and any other plant materials before they become part of waste disposal.
    13. Use low or non-polluting energy sources like solar heating, electric heating, natural gas, and propane. Solar energy reduces the need to burn fossil fuels. Besides incorporating these energy sources into the energy use, support increased non-polluting uses of solar and wind power to generate energy without air pollution.
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